Thoroughly Wine Know Thursday: Wine and Broken Bones

Hey Winos… I know you all are in need of another reason to drink wine.  So I’m here for you… to give you another excuse…. errr… reason.

This morning, my ears perked up while I was listening to NPR’s Morning Edition.  Yet another study has come out noting the positive effects of moderate alcohol consumption and bone density.  Non-drinkers and heavy drinkers had less bone mineral density versus “moderate” drinkers who had a glass or two of wine per night.  This new study was specific to women in their 50s and 60s, when “resorption” (which is the process by which “bits of bone are dissolved and new bone formed”) increases due to menopause (or those pesky hormonal changes involved with menopause anyway).  The study showed that when the women stopped drinking wine each night, their bone resorption increased compared to when they had a glass of wine each night.

So basically, a glass or two of wine per night led to a slower turnover rate of the bone.  Why is that important? Well, because it can help prevent bone fractures.  And let’s face it.  No one wants a bone fracture.

Read the whole story (link below) – NPR explains it far better than I have.  But really, I just wanted to make a point – drinking wine is not only fun… it is proven (again and again) to be healthy!  (At least for the 50 and 60 year old women out there!)

NPR Article: Nightly Glass of Wine May Protect Boomer Women’s Bones